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Autonomous non-profit organization
«Editorial board of the “Arbitration” journal»

Dear colleagues!

«Arbitration» journal is the first unique Russian thematic issue for legal practitioners, arbiters and state judges, mediators and businessmen

«Arbitration» journal has been issued since 1999, and now its frequency comes to 6 times a year. Since 2001 the Russian Center for arbitrage promoting is among the co-founders of the journal, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, the Law Faculty of Moscow State University named by M. V. Lomonosov, the leading scientists in sphere of legal regulation of arbitral awards and procedure of economic dispute examination in our country and abroad being its creators and members. Among them: A. Komarov, President of the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, Professor; S. Lebedev, President of the Maritime Arbitration Commission at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, Professor; V. Musin, President of the Arbitration Court at Saint-Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Professor; E. Sukhanov, President of the Arbitration Court for economic dispute settlement at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, the Dean of the Law Faculty of Moscow State University, Professor; L. Balajan, President of the Arbitration Court of Association of Russian Banks, advocate, and others.

The chief mission of the journal is to carry trustworthy information on emerging and development of institute of arbitration court in modern Russia, including publishing reviews on practice of arbitral courts in Russia and abroad and also of state courts as to execution of arbitral awards and carrying other functions of assistance and control over arbitral trial.

In 2006 the following materials are to be published
in the «Arbitration» journal:

• Commentary to Law of the Russian Federation "About international commercial arbitration";
• The Practice state court on questions arbitration consideration;
• Practice arbitration court;
• The Articles on actual problem arbitration court and mediation;
• Commentary to Newsletter of the Presidium of the High Court Of Arbitration Russian Federation ¹ 96 from 22.12.05.

To subscribe to the «Arbitration» journal (whole 2007 or on 1nd semester 2007) you should contact the Editorial board of the journal and, a bill having been drawn, enter the cost of annual subscription on account of Autonomous non-profit organization «Editorial board of the “Arbitration” journal».
The cost of annual subscription: $260
(or in rubble equivalent on rate of Central Bank of the Russian Federation per day of payment).

The journal is published in Russian.

Our requisites:

Intermediary bank
Acc. ¹   0104417415
In             OST-WEST HANDELSBANK AG, Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Beneficiary bank
In favor   CREDIT-MOSCOW BANK MOSCOW 115054, Moscow, 6 Monetchikovskiy, 8
Acc. ¹    40703840300049000089

For paying in rubble equivalent:

BIK          044030890
K/s          30101810800000000890
R/s           40703810300040000089

In Editorial board you can also purchase the issues of the «Arbitration» journal for the period of 1999–1st semester 2002 and brochure «What is Arbitration court».


©ÀÍÎ "Ðåäàêöèÿ æóðíàëà "Òðåòåéñêèé ñóä"
Ðîññèÿ, 194356, Ñàíêò-Ïåòåðáóðã, à/ÿ 12
òåë./ôàêñ: (812) 597-62-81; òåë. +7 (911) 795-20-10
E-mail: svgleb@mail.ru, arbitrage@nm.ru